Cambodia Fundraiser Targets 2017 as Breakout Year

Posted by: on Mar 19, 2017 | No Comments

Fueled by their recent acceptance into the World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF), Cambodian Ultimate is looking to grow even more in 2017.

After joining the international federation it is only natural that their entrance onto the world scene would be at a major WFDF event. The Cambodians are therefore eyeing Manila and the Asian Oceanic Ultimate and Guts Club Championship (AOUGCC) to make their mark. Cambodia will be sending a mixed team to this prestigious event. 16-17 Cambodian players will be on full scholarship to attend the tournament which will mark, by far, their most exciting ultimate experience ever. Win or lose, what they bring home from this event will be invaluable for the growth of the sport in Cambodia.

This is not all that’s on the docket for 2017 though. Bee Force, Cambodia’s women’s club, will continue to grow and introduce more Cambodian women to the sport. Youth clinics will target kids with less access to more traditional sports to show them the joy of ultimate. As a whole, Cambodia Ultimate has their sights on growing youth and women’s ultimate into leagues and, in the future, travelling teams.

To make this happen, though, they need help. The women, men, girls and boys, who are Cambodia Ultimate, will not be able to achieve these goals without international assistance. If you want to help, check out the fundraising page, make a donation, and GET SOME SWAG!

If you want to read more about Cambodia Ultimate take a look at or the Phnom Penh Ultimate facebook page.

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