Worlds 2018
WUCC 2018 Friday Post-Game
Here’s my daily summary of how Asian teams faired at the World Ultimate Club Championship in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Tune in daily, every afternoon, hopefully before 5pm.
WUCC 2018 Thursday Post-Game
Here’s my daily summary of how Asian teams faired at the World Ultimate Club Championship in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Tune in daily, every afternoon, hopefully before 5pm.
WUCC 2018 Wednesday Post-Game
Here’s my daily summary of how Asian teams faired at the World Ultimate Club Championship in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Tune in daily, every afternoon, hopefully before 5pm.
WUCC 2018 Tuesday Post-Game
Here’s my daily summary of how Asian teams faired at the World Ultimate Club Championship in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Tune in daily, every afternoon, hopefully before 5pm.
WUCC 2018 Monday Post-Game
Here’s my daily summary of how Asian teams faired at the World Ultimate Club Championship in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Tune in daily, every afternoon, hopefully before 5pm.