Zone Cup 2014: Stats and Analysis
December 13-14
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Here are the results of my compiling of the scoring statistics collected from Zone Cup 2014. The score sheet is missing from the 5-6th placement game meaning that I have the results from 7 games played by each of K, Spoilers, Halo Halo, and Swarriors, but only 6 played by HHH and Monsoon. Sorry. I also excluded statistics from the third-place placement game because it was silly and would have made it such that Swarriors and HHH played more games than K and Spoilers. Easier to ignore it. I also excluded goals thrown and caught by players from other teams who picked up with Monsoon.
For tournament-wide stats I included the top ten or so players. For team stats I included the top players for each statistic before there was a significant drop off.
Mistakes are the result of recording errors, bad data entry, or Excel errors. I, therefore, take blame for some and not for others, though I am not sure which are which. The analysis is mine alone.
Those who know ultimate know that scoring and assist stats will not tell you the whole story. I believe they do tell us a few interesting tales though.
A full tournament write up is up right here!
New stories, stats and announcements… follow us at @asianultyblog and “like” the Asian Ultimate Life Facebook Page.
Names are spelled as they appeared on the score sheet.
*26.3% of Spoilers goals were thrown by their women, but running seven women all weekend, they individually don’t end up higher on the table. 19.8% of K goals were thrown by their women. No other team had more than 5% thrown by women.
* Not bad for Dyno’s first foreign team tournament.
* Dan Bower only played one day.
*Only 1 of Angie’s goals came against me.
*Goals scored by women: Spoilers 37%, Monsoon 35%, Halo Halo 31%, K 28%, HHH 28%, Swarriors… less.
*K and the Swarriors each had a group of clear statistical leaders. The rest of each teams’ stats were more evenly spread out.
Check out the full Zone Cup Report!
Assists, Men
*45.7% of K goals were thrown by their “Big 4.”
Goals, Men
*They also scored 48.1% of K goals.
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
*Statistically, Alicia was the 5th largest contributor to K, behind the Big 4.
Assists, Men
Goals, Men
*Daniel only played saturday. No mention as to how many of his goals were scored by spin cut.
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
* Due to their depth and overall quality, Spoiler stats were very well spread out. Angie participated in 18.4% of Spoiler goals. This is, by far, the lowest of all those leading their team in combined goals and assists.
Assists, Men
*29.5% of Halo Halo goals were thrown by Drian.
Goals, Men
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
* 5 other men had between 8 and 11 combined.
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
*With Drian throwing 18 goals, you had to think a bunch would end up in Lien’s hands.
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
Assists, Men
* 37.2% of Swarriors goals were thrown by Heng.
Goals, Men
* 34.9% of Swarriors goals were caught by Dyno.
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
* The Swarriors’ Big 3 threw 69.8% and caught 53.5% of the team’s total scores.
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
Assists, Men
Goals, Men
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
*Trissy and Canh accounted for 42.5% of HHH goals
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
* I believe the HHH stats are a very good example of a case where the stats do not reflect how the team played. Women played a large part of how HHH moved through the middle of the field, if not necessarily around the endzone.
Assists, Men
*Aaron only played saturday.
Goals, Men
Combined Assists and Goals, Men
Assists, Women
Goals, Women
* Monsoon, with 35% of their goals scored by women, were 2nd in that category, just behind the Spoilers at 37%.
Combined Assists and Goals, Women
Want to read the full Zone Cup story?
Reminder: New stories, stats and announcements… follow us at @asianultyblog and “like” the Asian Ultimate Life Facebook Page.
December 28, 2014this is amazing stats taking! thanks to all the volunteers and helpers at Zone Cup that put in so much effort to make it such an amazing experience for me and the team K!
just so u know, im coming back to vietnam in february cuz vietnam is amazing 😀
December 30, 2014I didn’t do any stat taking nor tourney organizing, but those who did did a great job. I just did the math…
February in Vietnam? Why not Cambodia in January? Zone Cup 2014: Results »
January 5, 2015[…] (The scoring statistics and analysis for Zone Cup can be found here) […]