World Ultimate Club Championships 2014 (Summary of Asian Results)
This was originally posted on the Asian Ultimate Life Facebook page. Moving it here so it is easier to find in the future…
It’s finals day in Lecco and unfortunately, no Asian teams will be playing. Nonetheless our teams did the region proud and showed the world that the game is growing here and that we will be playing on finals day in years to come.
One very exciting stat stands out. If you exclude Japan, who have had international respect for many years, EVERY team in East and Southeast Asia beat their seed. Our teams performed way better than the international community expected. The world knows we’re coming now.
Here are the final placings for East and Southeast Asian teams at Worlds 2014 (original seeding in parentheses).
Open Division
7th Buzz Bullets (Japan) (3)
11th Nomadic Tribe (Japan) (25)
33rd Loquitos (Japan) (20)
36th Crackerjacks (Singapore) (46)
Women’s Division
6th UNO (Japan) (6)
8th HUCK (Japan) (5)
17th MUD (Japan) (2)
28th Sin City (Singapore) (29)
Mixed Division
8th Hanabi (Japan) (16)
10th Shiok (Singapore) (13)
17th IKU (Japan) (22)
35th Last Stand (South Korea) (45)
39th China United Ultimate Party (China) (42)
41st JUNK (Hong Kong) (47)
Open Masters Division
6th Vigi (Japan) (9)
18th Junk (Japan) (15)
Women’s Masters
4th SANZ (Japan) (7)
All the scores can be found here.