Cambodia’s First Ever Women’s Ultimate Clinic

Posted by: on Jul 13, 2016 | No Comments

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(all photos by Long Sann)



On June 26, 2016, Bee Force, Cambodia’s newly-formed women’s Ultimate team, in association with Growth Through Ultimate and the Phnom Penh Ultimate Association, held the country’s first ever Ultimate clinic targeting female athletes.

While teaching the game of ultimate was going to be central to the event, a lot of the motivation to organize the event was born from the lack of available athletic opportunities for Cambodian women. Event organizers Romina de Jong and Srey Da Chan decided that this needed changing. Thus the clinic sought not only to show women this sport that we love, but also to expose them to the joy of sports in general. The organizing team wanted this clinic to serve as a jumping off point for these females to continue in team and individual athletics whether it be within the ultimate community or elsewhere.


So after a lot of planning the big day arrived. The planned 8am start time was just a guideline as girls started arriving up to an hour EARLY at the beautiful fields of the International School of Phnom Penh. The participants came from a number of Non-Governmental Organizations and schools around the city, as well as after being told about the event by friends. 62 female athletes came out to throw, catch, run, sweat, laugh, learn and, of course, take a few photos along the way. The mostly-female coaching staff was drawn from the expat and Cambodian playing communities. The priorities for these coaches were to make sure everyone had a great time and got some exercise.

The event began with a short warmup and then the participants were divided into a few smaller groups. There they were taught basic skills, like throwing and catching, and the rules of ultimate. They also ran some drills to practice what they learned and then… ate some watermelon. After that the coaches played a demonstration game so the new players could see what the game looked like while a couple coaches stayed out of the game to explain what was happening. Then all the women got a chance to try ultimate for themselves. They played great! I have seen the future of women’s ultimate in Cambodia and it looks bright! The event concluded with an prize ceremony where many of the participants were awarded discs, shirts and hats for their performance on the field and their attitudes off.

This was an amazing event and has begun a series of all-women’s trainings led by the Bee Force crew.

drills-low-1-hand-webMany groups and individuals contributed to the success of the clinic. The International School of Phnom Penh gave us discounted use of their fields. Empowering Youth in Cambodia, Indochina Starfish, Cambodian Children’s Fund, and Rodwell Learning Center provided participants and logistical and technical assistance. SWA Ultimate Club and the Phnom Penh Ultimate Association provided the coaches. Financial help came from the World Flying Disc Federation and awesome individual donors. The Phnom Penh Ultimate Association and Patrick Fourcampre-Maye of the Dubai Ultimate Players Association donated the awards.

And of course, it was all made possible by Bee Force, Cambodia’s only women’s Ultimate club. Contact Romina (, English) or Srey Da (, Khmer and English) for more information.

Be Strong!

Be Clever!

Bee Force!


It all started with the warmup run.


Then on to meet the coaches.


Let’s learn a backhand.


And a forehand.


And catching.


Yeah, that’s how you do it.


Then onto the drills where the women got to practice what they had learned…


…but under more difficult conditions.


It was always about having fun.




Then it was time for the coaches to put on a bit of a demonstration…


…with detailed sideline analysis by Coach Srey Da.


Then after a quick explanation of the rules by our coaches…


…it was gametime for the girls.


The games got a little wild sometimes…


… but there were some great skills being shown off.


It wasn’t all running. We left some time for snacks…


… and photos…


…and more photos (Hi EYC!)…


…and more photos (Hi Indochina Starfish!).


The day ended with an award ceremony…


… and a traditional Ultimate spirit circle to celebrate the great day we had together.


Thank you again to all the participating organizations, coaches and donors for making this event such a success.

Thank you again to all the participating organizations, players, coaches and donors for making this event such a success.







If you are interested in participating in future events or contributing to the growth of Ultimate or women’s sports in Cambodia, I would love to tell you how to do it. Please drop me an email at

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